Garfield High School

High School
Student Family Portal

Counseling Center

Garfield High School Counseling

Our GHS Counseling Department 24-25

GHS Counselors & Dept. Staff

Meet the 2024-25 Counselors, Department Staff

Visit the GHS PTSA Website

Garfield HS Counseling Center

Please follow the Counseling Dept. on Instagram for updates on service learning, internship, jobs, scholarships, and other opportunities! @ghs_counseling_center

Vision Statement: We are committed to ensuring that ALL students are equitably supported in their academic, social-emotional, and college & career development.

Mission Statement: We provide counseling services that are based on the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) model. In partnership with students, families, staff and community resources, we aim to provide students with a comprehensive support system that facilitates and encourages academic success, social-emotional health, and college & career readiness.

GHS Counseling Services

Below is a brief overview of services provided by the Counseling Department at Garfield HS.

  • Academic Supports
    • course registration & schedule adjustments
    • graduation requirement tracking & consulting
    • credit retrieval consultation
    • academic resources & teacher consultation
  • Social/Emotional Support
    • Crisis response and intervention
    • Small group workshops around various topics
    • Referrals and consultation
  • College & Career Development
    • facilitate Naviance lessons to support student growth in college & career knowledge
    • support with college applications, financial aid, job opportunities, apprenticeships, etc.
    • planning for graduation pathways that can lead to career opportunities

Garfield Counselor Caseload Assignments

To make a counseling appointment, please e-mail your assigned counselor.

Counseling Support Staff

Counseling Resources

The main services that DSHS provides are food, cash, and medical. More information on services provided can be found on their website.

If students, parents, families or staff have any questions about what they may qualify for, resources they need help with or general where to go for help, please call 1-877-501-2233, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday-Friday, or visit the Washington Connection website.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a Federal civil rights law that is designed to help students who have a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

Learn more about Section 504 on the district website

  • Teen Link – 1-866-TEENLINK 866-833-6546 or 206-461-4922. Teen Link is an anonymous confidential teen help line that is answered every evening by professionally trained youth. Teens are trained to talk with their peers about a wide variety of concerns, as well as refer callers to specialized agencies that can further address their needs.
  • 2-1-1 Community Resources & Information Line – call 211 or 206-461-3200
  • Crisis ClinicChildren’s Crisis Outreach Response Team – 206-461-3222 The Crisis Clinic is a 24 hour phone in help line. They are prepared to deal with all types of issues, including self-harm and mental health services.