Garfield High School

High School

College & Career Center

Garfield College and Career Center

Career Center Bulletin Board with College Banners.

Check back to this page for College and Career updates to be posted soon! The College and Career staff work to fully support our Garfield community to provide access for all things college and career. Keep reading for details on how we plan to reach to our students & families.

College Visits at GHS

Garfield logo

All Garfield students are welcome to register to attend college admissions presentations. After the in-person or virtual presentation, students will be able to ask representatives of the schools about application process, costs and financial aid, academic specialties, etc.

Watch for a list of upcoming visits.

  • You must log into Naviance to check the latest schedule and register by 10:30 a.m. the day of the visit. (Seats may run out!)
  • Naviance is accessible in the SPS online Student Portal
  • Questions? Drop by the College & Career Center

Resource List


Scholarship Bulletin (link posted soon)

Garfield College Network


Each spring, Y-Scholars recruits 30 incoming freshmen of African descent who have the desire to accelerate their learning potential and prepare for post-secondary education. Students are thus automatically placed in Honors level core classes their freshman and sophomore years, preparing students for Advanced Placement classes (AP) during their junior and senior years which prepares them for future success at a four-year university. Students receive individualized college readiness support during junior and seniors years which has resulted in a 100% college acceptance rate

TRiO Upward Bound (rm 104b) 

Upward Bound serves high school students from low-income families; and high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of post-secondary education

College Possible (rm 237a)

College Possible is making college admission and success possible for low-income students through an intensive curriculum of coaching and support secondary education

To learn more about College Possible, check out this video:

Apply to College Possible

Seattle Promise (rm 103)

The program provides the first two years (or up to 90 credits) of tuition, additional financial support for books, transportation, housing, etc. to those with financial need, and personal guidance to succeed in college. All Seattle public high school graduates are eligible regardless of grade point average (GPA), income or country of birth

Lee Westrick, Seattle Colleges, Academic Retention Specialist

Garfield High School Worksite Learning Program

Worksite Learning connects the knowledge and skills students learn in the classroom with what they are learning in the workplace. Students enrolled in the Garfield worksite learning program can earn .5 credit for every 180 hours of work. For information on how to enroll please speak with your counselor or contact Mr. Rogers at the email address below.

Career Opportunities, Tips & Tricks

Getting Started: Job Application Tips & Tricks

Outdoor Opps
