Running Start
Running Start for Garfield Students
Want to learn more about Running Start?
The Garfield College and Career Specialists will break it down for you in this informative video: Is Running Start Right For You?
Sign-ups for Running Start classes happens 3 times a year. (Fall/Winter/Spring)
If you are new to Seattle Public Schools, make sure you have an assignment to Garfield HS with a SPS Student ID number before emailing your assigned counselor to complete your forms. For questions regarding your assignment contact Enrollment at 206-252-0760 or go to the District Enrollment website.
Returning Running Start Students – Registration Instructions
- Email your assigned Garfield counselor a completed and signed RSEVF form (found on the Running Start website of the college you are attending)
- Your Garfield counselor will review and sign your RSEVF and email it back to you.
- You will take this form back to the college, finish their registration, and sign up for their classes.
New to Running Start – Registration Instructions
For Fall Running Start registration, your goal is to have all steps below completed before you leave for the summer:
- Go to the Running Start website for the college you wish to attend (North, Central or South Seattle College) and carefully review the information and instructions for registration.
- Step 1: Apply via the online application
- Step 2: Take the English (required) and/or the Math (optional) online placement test
- Step 3: Complete the Enrollment Packet (MOU, EVF, Course Plan)
- Email your assigned Garfield counselor to set up an appointment at least 1 week prior to the date you are expecting to register for courses.
- You will meet with your counselor in person and fill out the Enrollment Verification Form (EVF) together.
- Submit the completed EVF to the Running Start office and finish the registration process by enrolling in classes. Please check with your Running Start office if you have questions about this step.
You must be classified as an 11th grader by September 1 to participate in Running Start.
Be aware that it is your responsibility to stay informed of what is happening at Garfield High School. Visit this Running Start page frequently for updates.
Courses taken in spring quarter of your senior year count towards your graduation requirements.
However, Running Start grades are not official before the graduation ceremony, so you must meet your graduation requirements prior to spring quarter to participate in the ceremony.
At the end of each quarter, the college will send your transcript directly to Garfield. Our counselor and registrar will then work to put these grades on your Garfield transcript.
As a Running Start student you will be maintaining two transcripts. A Seattle Public Schools transcript and a College transcript.
Please note for the 2019-2020 academic school year, Seattle Public Schools changed their grading policies regarding incoming Running Start grades. Please be aware that your two transcripts during that year may not match.
When applying to college, best practice remains to send out both your Seattle Public Schools transcript and your College transcript. It will be up to the receiving institution on what grade(s) they choose to accept.
Colleges own their grades. If you have a dispute or issue with your college grade(s) go first to the instructor then to their department chair or Running Start counselor for help.
If a grade gets changed after the initial transcript has been sent, it is up to you to request an updated one be sent to Garfield.
By submitting a contract for Fall quarter Running Start, you are indicating your intent to enroll at a local community college. With your Fall quarter Running Start contract, Garfield will cancel any Fall course requests for Garfield High School and put Running Start placeholders on your schedule.
Are you taking concurrent yearlong classes at Garfield with Fall quarter Running Start?
If you intend to take concurrent yearlong classes at Garfield with Fall quarter Running Start:
- Attend the community college Orientation and Registration session to get your Running Start schedule.
- Email the following materials to Garfield’s Registrar, Ms. Chow
- Screenshot of your Running Start Fall quarter registration and schedule (with days and times)
- Garfield course requests
- Email your documents as soon as possible. The Garfield Registrar’s Office closes at the end of June. If you miss the June deadline, you will work with your Garfield counselor in the fall to schedule any Garfield concurrent classes.