Garfield High School

High School
Counseling Center

Course Change Requests


Student schedules will be available on the Source (for students & parents) on Tuesday Sept. 6th. Please make sure students and parents have access to the Source prior to the start of school.

Access the Source

Course Changes for 2023-24 school year

Starting Wednesday Sept 6th, you may submit a course change request form via email for the following reasons:

*Course change requests WILL be considered for:

*Less than 6 academic classes

            * Running Start schedule conflict

            * 12th grader missing grad requirement

            * Repeat course you have already taken

*Course change requests WILL NOT be considered for:

            * Teacher or period preference

            * Elective preference

Important notes:

  • If your course change request form does not meet one of the eligible criteria, your request will not be considered. Please Do Not submit a course change request form if you do not meet the criteria listed above.
  • Course change requests should be made for both semester 1 and 2. We will not accept any course change requests after the 3rd day of school.
  • Please attend the courses listed on your schedule, even if incorrect, until we can make the proper change. Attendance will be taken and students will be marked absent if you are not in your assigned classes.
  • Please do not submit more than one course request form or send follow up emails to check on the status of your request.
  • Counselor response times will be longer than usual.  Please be patient.
  • You will receive an email response from your school counselor to your school email address. Please check school email regularly.
  • The deadline to submit a Course Change Request form is 4pm on Friday Sept 8th.
  • The Course Change Request form