Garfield High School

High School

Assessments & Testing Information

Types of Assessments 2024-25

On this Garfield High School Assessments page you will find an overview and helpful dates and detailed information about the different kinds of testing that happen for students over the course of their four years at Garfield High School. Please visit the district Testing and Assessments page for news on how assessments are used and their requirements in Seattle Public Schools. 

State Assessment Information

State Assessments Dates for Students

  • Smarter Balanced ELA & Math (SBA) Window: Refer to chart below.
    • Required for all 10th graders.
    • Available for 11th and 12th graders needing to meet graduation requirements.
  • Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS): Refer to chart below
    • 11th graders
State AssessmentGrade Level & Dates
SBA ELA CATGr. 10 ELA Classes: April 28 – May 2
SBA ELA PTGr. 10 ELA Classes: April 28 – May 5
SBA Math CATGr. 10 SS Classes: May 19 – 23
SBA Math PTGr. 10 SS Classes: May 19 – 27
WCAS Gr. 11 ELA Classes: May 8
Re-Takes for SBA ELA and Math April 28 – May 2
SBA ELA & Math Make-Ups May 28 – 30

Students should be well-rested and on time for their exams. If you have questions, contact your Counselor (State Assessments).

AP Exams in May 2025

AP Exam Testing Windows

AP CollegeBoard Logo
  • Week 1: May 5–9, 2025
  • Week 2: May 12–16, 2025
  • AP exams must be taken on scheduled dates. Students should confirm their exam times and locations with Assistant Principal Rhodes, our AP Coordinator.
  • For a full AP Exam schedule, including late-testing dates, visit the College Board AP Exam Test Schedule.

Students should be well-rested and on time for their exams. If you have questions, contact Assistant Principal Rhodes; (AP Exams).

AP Exam Pre-Registration & Payment
Was Due Nov. 6, 2024

Garfield HS students taking an AP Exams MUST have Pre-Registered AND Pay for AP Exam(s) by Nov. 6, 2024. Note: AP teachers sent out SchoolPay links via Schoology to students in their classes to pay for tests. Please double check to make sure the test you are paying for is the correct one.

How to Register and Pay for AP Exams

Follow below steps to Pre-Register AND Pay for an AP Exam at Garfield High School.

  • STUDENTS – STEP 1: Students will sign up for AP Exams in their classes with their AP teachers.
  • PARENTS – STEP 2: Parents/Guardians must pay for AP Exams by November 6, 2024 by 5 p.m. PST.
    • AP teachers will be sending out SchoolPay links via Schoology to students in their classes to pay for tests. Please double check to make sure the test you are paying for is the correct one.

AP Exam Resources

Learn more on the district AP Exam page.

PSAT & SAT In-School Testing
Scores Information for Oct. 2024

SAT & PSAT Logos College Board

All 11th and 12th-grade students in Seattle Public Schools had the opportunity to take the PSAT and SAT free of charge during the school day in October. Additional information is available on the GHS PTSA website. PSAT for 11th Graders: Thursday, October 24, 2024 and SAT for 12th Graders: Friday, October 25, 2024. Make-up Date (for both exams): Monday, October 28, 2024 – this is the only scheduled make-up date.

Using PSAT Scores to Prepare for the SAT

Students will need to log onto their College Board accounts to view their PSAT/NMSQT scores and use them to prepare for when the take the SAT. PSAT Scores from October 2024 were released Nov. 2024. Refer to the College Board Getting Scores site for all the information you need and a video as well.

Grade 11 Juniors, to understand your PSAT scores and tips to prepare for the SAT and how to link your test results with free Khan Academy practice tests tailored just for you view the video on the College Board site. In addition learn more information about practicing for the SAT on College Board as well.

SAT Scores

SAT Scores were posted on the College Board site. Students will need to log into their College Board account to view their scores. Scores from the Oct. 2024 SAT were released in Nov. 2024.

Understanding and Reporting SAT Scores

  1. How to Get Your Scores
  2. Understanding your SAT Scores | Finding out how SAT scores are calculated, score structure, what SAT scoring means for you.
  3. How to Send SAT Scores | Information about sending your SAT scores.

All Assessments Overview

AP Courses and Exam Information

AP CollegeBoard Logo

Students in AP courses might earn college credit and/or advanced placement in college if they perform well on AP Exams and if their college of choice accepts the AP exam for credit.

College credit is not guaranteed but rather is determined by each individual college upon the student’s enrollment in that college. AP courses at Garfield HS prepare students for these exams and offer a rigorous subject study available. Visit the AP CollegeBoard website for more information about AP exams.

AP offerings may vary from year to year depending on student interest and staffing. Prerequisites for AP courses are outlined in the course descriptions in the Garfield HS Course Description Guide.

PSAT Information

CollegeBoard PSAT/NMSQT Logo

The (Preliminary SAT) PSAT provides valuable feedback on strengths and the skills necessary for college study . Students can then focus their preparation on areas that could most benefit from additional study or practice. The PSAT measures critical reading skills, math problem-solving skills and writing skills.

Gives insight on how a performance on an admissions test compares to others applying to college .Helps students prepare for the SAT. Students will become familiar with the kinds of questions and the exact directions they will see on the SAT.

Could help Juniors qualify for Scholarships. The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) for Juniors is a program co-sponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corp. (NMSC). The PSAT/NMSQT can qualify students for the National Merit Scholarship Program and other scholarships. 

For more information about the SPS School Day PSAT/NMSQT please refer to the district PSAT and SAT webpage.

PSAT Scores

Students that took the PSAT should be able to see their scores online by signing into their College Board account. The College Board has suggestions what to do next, and explains which organizations receive students’ contact information. The PSAT score may also lead to scholarships administered thorough the National Merit Scholarship Corp.

Using PSAT Scores to Prepare for the SAT

Students will need to log onto their College Board accounts to view their PSAT/NMSQT scores and use them to prepare for the SAT. Refer to the College Board Getting Scores site for all the information you need and a video as well. Students should receive their original PSAT test booklets in their Language Arts class. If you would like to learn more about how to understand your scores and get tips for preparing for the SAT or need assistance with your College Board account, come to the Counseling Center the GHS counselors are there to help.

Grade 11 Juniors, to understand your PSAT scores and how to link your test results with free Khan Academy® practice tests tailored just for you to prepare for the SAT view this video by College Board site. In addition learn more information about practicing for the SAT on College Board as well.

National Merit Scholarship Program

The PSAT/NMSQT is the route of entry into the National Merit Scholarship Program for Juniors. Questions specific to National Merit Scholarship Program should be directed to the National Merit Scholarship Corporation or the College Board.


  • Visit College Board PSAT to learn more about the PSAT/NMSQT. 
  • The College Board has partnered with Khan Academy to provide a personalized practice program. Visit the Khan Academy to find ways to help students prepare for the SAT using their PSAT results. Students will become familiar with the kinds of questions and the exact directions they will see on the SAT.
  • PrepScholar | SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips About the PSAT/NMSQT: Expert Guide.

Seattle Public School Resources

Students who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch (FRL) may be eligible to receive additional benefits from the College Board such as unlimited sending of scores. In order to receive these benefits, applicants must check the box on the form for ‘Pre College Exams’ in section of the form and sign. Visit the district School Day PSAT page for more information. The PSAT/NMSQT helps Juniors prepare for the SAT and is used to qualify students for scholarships and advanced learning opportunities. These tests are offered to all Juniors free of charge; no pre-registration is required.

SAT Information

CollegeBoard SAT logo

The SAT is the most widely used college admission test in the country. SAT scores demonstrate students are prepared for college with necessary skills and knowledge.

Students who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch (FRL) may be eligible to receive additional benefits from the College Board such as free SAT tests and unlimited sending of scores. Visit the Seattle Public Schools School Day SAT page for more information.

The School-Day SAT offers these benefits:

  • No cost. The school day test is free for SPS students. No action is required of families in advance.
  • Students may also send up to four score reports for free. The school-day test permits students to send score reports to as many as four colleges or scholarship programs.
  • Additional pathway to graduation. A qualifying score on the SAT can be used as a graduation pathway for English Language Arts ELA and/or math. Current qualifying scores are 410 for ELA and 430 for math.

The SAT focuses on the knowledge and skills that the best evidence indicates are essential for college and career readiness and success. This test is composed of four sections: Math, Reading, Writing and Language, and Essay. 

SAT Scores

SAT Scores: Sign into your College Board account. Also, see information on sending scores to colleges.

For current information about the Seattle Public School’s School Day SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) please refer to the district SAT webpage.

SAT Understanding Scores and Reporting

SAT scores are released online by the CollegeBoard. Students will need to log in to their College Board account to view their scores.

SAT Scores Resources

  1. How to Get Your Scores
  2. Understanding your SAT Scores | Finding out how SAT scores are calculated, score structure, what SAT scoring means for you.
  3. How to Send SAT Scores | Information about sending your SAT scores.

Resources and Information

Visit the Free SAT Practice at College Board for testing tips and resources. Refer to the district SAT page for more information about testing and Seattle Public Schools.

This school year the GHS Counselors want to encourage all 12th graders to take it as it is an opportunity to meet the Graduation Pathway requirement. The Graduation Pathway requirement can be met a few different ways including taking and earning a cut score on the SBA, SAT or ACT. Or also, by taking and passing a college level English and college level math course.

Seattle Public School SAT Info & Resources

Additional Resources

  • College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. Download the official College Board SAT student guide.
  • PSAT Score Report Video To Practice For SAT Understand your PSAT scores and how to link your test results with free Khan Academy® practice tests tailored just for you to prepare for the SAT. 
  • Khan Academy SAT Practice The College Board has partnered with Khan Academy to provide a personalized practice program.
  • SAT Prep For general information regarding the SAT.

State Assessments

Smarter Balanced and Science Testing Logo. Laptop with hands taking a test online.

State assessments are required for federal accountability and also provide a common measure of student progress at the school, district and state levels. Our educators examine the results and use them to help determine which resources and supports are needed to close achievement gaps. All students are required to meet State Standards in English Language Arts and Math in order to earn a diploma from Ballard HS. Refer to the district’s Assessments and Testing as well as the district SBA Overview for current updates and on how assessments are used in Seattle Public Schools. View Practice Tests & FAQ Resources


The ACT is an assessment used by many colleges to evaluate applicants. ACT scores can also be used to evaluate merit-based scholarship application. Register, review, and plan for the ACT. Review comparing the SAT to the ACT